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How to Choose the Right Dental Implants in Killeen, TX

blog How to Choose the Right Dental Implants in Killeen, TX

A lost tooth or a few teeth feels like a lost reason to smile, right?

Relax! An estimated 178 million Americans have lost a tooth, yet they smile wholeheartedly.

Wonder why?

Because of successful implant surgery, oral or dental implants in Killeen, TX, are the #1 tooth replacement option for one or more missing teeth. With an amazing success rate of 98%, implants are your sure-shot ticket to having the perfect smile.

But does that mean you should consider getting a dental implant? If yes, which one do you choose?

This blog will familiarize you with different aspects of implants, including:

  • Dental Implants – The Modern Smile Makeover Option!
  • Different Types of Implants
  • Who Should Consider Getting Implants?
  • Steps Involved In Getting Dental Implants
  • Things To Consider While Getting an Implant

Numbers suggest more than 156 million have at least a single missing tooth. Of course, missing a tooth or two will not end your life, but it can still significantly impact your lifestyle.

Missing a tooth might make you more self-conscious about your smile and hamper your confidence levels in front of others. This is where dental implants can help you get the perfect smile.   

But before getting implants, you must first understand what these appliances are and which one will best serve your needs. This blog will provide you with all that information and more. So, make sure you read it till the end. 

Dental Implants – The Modern Smile Makeover Option!

Implants are prosthetic replacements for one or more missing teeth. They comprise three primary parts, namely: 

  • Implant – The screw that is placed in the gum.
  • Abutment: The piece that connects the implant with the last part.
  • Crown: The crown or denture is the part visible in your oral cavity. It is held in place with the abutment.  

You can easily use implants for single tooth replacements or even for replacing multiple missing teeth based on your needs. You must have sufficient jawbone density to get this appliance, as the implant is fixed on the jawbone. 92.45% of dental implants in the US are made of titanium, thanks to the metal’s durability and strength.       

Different Types of Implants – Which Type Is Yours?

While no comprehensive list describes all types of implants, some of the most common ones are worth discussing. Besides, you will need this information to choose the right oral implants. Some of the common dentistry implant types include:   

Single-tooth Implants: 

As you might have guessed, single-tooth implants are designed to replace a single missing tooth. If you are missing a tooth or two, you can use these appliances without hampering the integrity of other teeth nearby. You can also go for these implants if you don’t have enough bone density to support a larger implant. 

Implant-Supported Bridge: 

The next implant you can use as a replacement for missing teeth is the implant-supported bridge. These oral bridges in your mouth are supported by implants, making them an ideal choice for people missing multiple teeth. These bridges will be customized to fit your mouth appropriately and then anchored on the implant. 

Implant-Supported Dentures: 

Also known as implant-stabilized dentures, implant-supported dentures clip themselves into the right place on top of a set of implants. These are similar to conventional dentures, except they have a few implants underneath for better stability. Implant-supported dentures are great for people missing multiple teeth or with an inappropriate jawbone shape.

But who should consider getting dental implants?

Implants can be an excellent option for many people based on their oral needs. In most cases, you should consider getting a tooth implantation if:

  • Your dentures are clicking, slipping, or preventing you from eating the desired food items. 
  • You have one or more missing teeth.
  • You are experiencing excruciating pain or complications related to biting appropriately due to a missing tooth. 
  • Your dental bridge has run its course; it is time for a replacement.    

Steps Involved In Getting Dental Implants

Getting implants from the best dentist in Killeen, TX, includes multiple steps to remain sequential and practical. These steps include: 

Step 1: Consultation And Evaluation 

Getting implants starts with booking a consultation with your dentist and checking your teeth. The dentist will evaluate your condition and determine if an implant is a suitable alternative. 

Step 2: Dental Implant Placement

The next step is for the dentist to place the impact in your mouth. The dentist will install a screw-shaped implant post and place it in the jawbone through surgery. This will be followed by a healing process that might take weeks or months. 

Step 3: Attach The Abutment

After placing the implant, the dentist will screw the abutment onto the implant. Based on the patient’s oral needs, they will then attach the final piece, whether a single tooth, a denture, or a bridge. You might require secondary surgery if you opt for the two-stage surgery at this stage.      

Step 4: Final Fitting And Examination 

After your crown is ready, the dentist in Killeen, TX,  will attach it to the abutment. This marks the completion of the entire process, but you might still need to go for more follow-up visits to ensure everything is working as intended.    

Things To Consider While Getting an Implant

Before you decide to get an implant, there are some essential considerations you need to be mindful of. These considerations include: 

  • Budget: You must consider your budget since getting an implant can be expensive.     
  • Bone Density: The next important consideration for a dentist implant is your bone density. Your jawbone must be dense enough to support the implant more effectively to ensure the treatment succeeds. 
  • Health Conditions: The final consideration is your health condition, as certain health complications, such as diabetes, can adversely affect the treatment’s success rate.   


  • Implants are prosthetic replacements for one or more missing teeth with a 98% success rate. 
  • Single-tooth implants, implant-supported dentures, and implant-supported bridges are the three primary types of implants. 
  • The process of getting implants starts with consultation and evaluation and ends with fitting and follow-ups. 
  • Your health, budget, and bone density are the most important things you must consider when getting oral implants.  
  • Make the most of your flawless smile and healthy life by visiting our implant dentists at Killeen Dental Group today. 

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